Policies and Procedures
The Rollo Academy is a community built upon the principles of mutual respect, care and support. It is the expectation that all students will behave in a way that is civilised and that they will treat all in our school with dignity, kindness and respect.
The aim of this policy is to:
a) Promote and safeguard the welfare of all of our students.
b) Provide an orderly, calm and safe environment in School that supports artistic and academic teaching and learning, and enables students to make good progress according to their ability and strive to do their best.
c) Promote good behaviour, self-discipline and respect.
d) To ensure all students feel safe at the school, knowing that bullying, physical threats or abuse are not tolerated
e) Promote good manners and an appropriate regard for authority.
f) Prevent discrimination of any kind including race, gender, disability, sexual orientation, nationality, religion, human rights or any other factor.
g) Ensure that staff consider whether the behaviour under review gives cause to suspect that a student is suffering, or is likely to suffer significant harm. In such a case the school will follow the Safeguarding Policy. In the case of disruptive behaviour, the parent of the child/children involved will be contacted by the Principal to discuss the matter
Recognising and promoting good behaviour is an essential process in the development of an orderly and happy school. Staff are encouraged, and will look for ways, to praise individuals and groups for good behaviour and acts of kindness which make a positive contribution to school life.
The aim is to encourage positive behaviour and an increasing sense of self- esponsibility as student’s transition through the Academy.
The aim of The Rollo Academy is to:
a) Prevent bullying of any sort including prejudice based and discriminatory bullying.
b) Make it clear to all students and staff that bullying is always unacceptable.
c) Ensure that everyone can operate in a supportive, caring and safe environment without fear of being bullied.
d) Create an ethos of good behaviour within the school where students treat each other and the school staff with respect.
The Rollo Academy is committed to welcoming students and staff from all backgrounds. We expect all to show appreciation for, and respect of, differences, to be thoughtful about our behaviour and to be supportive and respectful to one another.
We want our students, parents and staff to question and challenge racist views wherever they may encounter them, to have the opportunities, and confidence, to raise any concerns that they may have about the school and its approach to equality, diversity and inclusion, and to understand that these will be heard and treated with the seriousness and respect that they deserve.
The Rollo Academy wishes it to be clear that any form of harassment by or of its staff is unacceptable and may be against the law. Every effort will be made to ensure that any such problems are dealt with quickly and effectively. This policy applies to ALL staff, students and parents Behaviours that constitute types of harassment:
a) Verbal abuse – including verbal threats, derogatory name-calling, insults, ridicule or belittling of another person
b) Physical assault or threat of violence or intrusive behaviour and invasion of personal space.
c) Making persistent, unwelcome contact – including sending text messages, emails and making unnecessary phone calls.